Whether you are trying to create wealth...
or just keep what you already earned...
A trust can provide for your retirement,
an education for children,
eliminate risk of lawsuits,
protect you from huge medical bills,
and provide gifts to your favorite charity.
A Private Asset Protection Trust is the only
secure way to plan for your financial future,
yet safeguard your assets while you are alive.
Call (949) 497-3600 for more information.
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PRIVATE TRUSTSPrivate Asset Trusts (PAT) help you avoid legal fees, excessive taxes, liability of assets, and court costs. You can:* Create a Superior "Private Will" that supersedes the typical public Will. * Provide for family care and guardianship * Protect yourself from the legal and financial ravages of disability * Provide for pet care and guardianship * Manage or reduce taxes * Manage and protect assets before, through, (and after) disability * Eliminate publicity * Eliminate attorneys fees, court costs, and months of time in probate * Eliminate the need for a court appointed guardian * Minimize family conflicts and disputes with friends * Minimize support expense * Minimize medical expense * Minimize education expense * Simplify accounting complexity and costs * Distinguish the hype from professional trust experts TRUST PLANNING, PRIVACY, & PROTECTIONA Private Asset Trust provides further safety in advanced areas of privacy, asset protection, financial flexibility, banking, estate planning, and other related areas. They prove themselves by providing education and outstanding support that will answer ALL of your estate planning and protection questions. They treat you like we all want to be treated. References and thousand of clients have protection provided by TRUE TRUST SERVICES since 1973. There has never been a trust broken or declared illegal by any state or federal court.PRIVATE TRUSTS FOR FAMILY PRIVACYIt's difficult to get personal privacy. It's even more difficult to get asset privacy, financial privacy, or business privacy. A properly structured plan can install security and recapture lost privacy. You will be able to control who knows where you live, what assets you enjoy, where finances are located, and what your finances contain.TRUST FOR ASSET PROTECTIONPrivate Asset Trust protection is usually limited to a corporate shield or a protective LLC. That method only provides limited protection and simply divides the risk into two targets instead of one. Corporations and LLCs usually have minimum annual taxes and reporting requirements. A Private Asset Trust has no minimum annual tax or annual reporting requirement. We believe that splitting the risk into many private slices diversifies your risk. You can reduce lawsuits, government targeting, separate areas of risk, create layers of privacy, and create absolute protection. THE PROTECTION BOOK by E.J. Lashlee will provide the foundation of knowledge to safeguard and create Private Asset Protection.FREE TRUST BOOKThere is no sales promotion, offer of investments, or request of credit card information. There is no cost for the book. The eBook version of THE PROTECTION BOOK is provided (free online) at www.TheProtectionBook.com More free Trust Books and other business books are also available (online) to clients. Forms, definitions, examples, instructions, and support available on the website, by email, and byEXTENDED BENEFITS OF TRUSTSThe Protection Book explains the concepts of asset protection of what you own from malpractice claims, lawsuits, and divorce. The True Trust Book offers step-by-step guidance in determining which asset-protection strategies and techniques are right for you. You will learn numerous legal and effective methods you can use to:* Protect your personal assets from business and professional claims * A trust is better than a prenuptial agreement * Separate husband and wife assets, taxes, and credit reports * Protect business assets and family assets from divorce * Effectively keep in-laws (or their heirs) from owning your assets * Completely disinherit relatives or others from your assets * Minimize your risk of lawsuits and other claims against your assets * Secure your retirement, investments, real estate, and stock holdings * Eliminate unusual types or unexpected attacks against your assets * Make your home-based business judgment proof * Privately own vehicles, investments, real estate, and bank accounts * Effectively avoid identity theft without additional cost * Compare offshore companies and international trusts * Avoid the "Top Ten" common mistakes in estate planning * Compare Example Trusts, use Checklists, and select from a Library of Forms ![]() |